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USB Thumb Drive Teaching Element
This lesson, from the Technological Education Pathways Partnership (TEPP), examines the internal workings of USB drives. A PowerPoint presentation lays out the makeup of basic USB thumb drive devices, as well as some standards and applications, and a Word document guides students through a teardown lab to examine these components in person. A PDF document describes a particular flash memory technology that can be found in some USB thumb drives. This activity is intended for a digital electronics and microcontrollers courses.
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Weather Here and There
The Global Education Project of the Resource for Science Education Program offers the Weather Here and There educational unit. The Web site consists of six...
Skateboard Science
Authored by Paul Doherty, Pearl Tesler and Noel Wanner for Exploratorium, this site analyzes the physics of skateboarding in great detail. It goes into many...
RLC Circuit with Alternating...
This applet simulates the behavior of a simple RLC circuit with an AC voltage source. The user can change the period of the voltage source, the inductance, and...
Fossil Fuels: Oil PDF
This lesson provides an introduction to the world oil market and the United States' dependence on it. Topics include our current usage, sources, and the...
Acid Rain PDF
Due to the presence of dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide, rainfall is naturally acidic. The release of other gases and chemicals such as sulfur dioxide...

AMSER is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use.

AMSER is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the National Science Digital Library, and is being created by a team of project partners led by Internet Scout.
Statistical formulas.
Black and white vector illustration of a skull.
Jumping beans are actually a section of a seed capsule. Laspeyresia saltitans, a small gray moth, inserts its larva into the seed capsule. The larva eats the inside of the jumping 'bean' and flings itself from one wall to the other.

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