Air Pollution Solutions Lesson
This lesson plan from Breathe Utah and the STEM Action Center - Utah covers air pollution. The lesson is intended for 6th to 8th graders and includes the aligning Core Standards. During the lesson, "students will investigate possible solutions to air pollution in relation to per capita consumption of fossil fuels." The document includes the following sections: Standard/Objective, Lesson Performance Expectations, Materials, Teacher Background Information, Student Performance, and more. Three discussion questions are also included.
Discussion of holes in the stratospheric ozone layer usually revolves around investigations of the thickness of the layer near the South Pole. This online...
This lesson points out that the motion of objects (velocity or acceleration) is almost never constant, and applies this idea to the motion of a person walking....
This lesson introduces students to the basics of nuclear energy production. Topics include radioisotope thermoelectric generators, natural decay of radioactive...
This lesson reinforces the idea that Earth's population, including the population of the United States, is growing at a dramatic rate. It discusses some of the...
This lesson builds upon the previous two (Newton's Second Law and the First Law of Thermodynamics) by explaining that conservation of energy is not perfectly...
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Statisticians, biologists, chemists and others are needed for evaluating the environmental impact of air, water, and soil pollutants (at a research laboratory, commercial environmental clean-up firm, or the Environmental Protection Agency).
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