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This web site from Michael Richmond at the Rochester Institute of Technology contains lecture notes for an introductory course on galaxies and cosmology. It is meant for a non-science audience with a limited background...
This applet shows from three different physical perspectives the orbit of a low-mass test particle around a non-rotating black hole. Below the applet is an instructional guide to the applet and a description of the...
Voyages provides educators with learning activities based on real data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) (featured in the 11-30-1999 Scout Report). The student-led activities are designed for learners to progress...
This site discusses the lives and deaths of stars. Topics include: the H-R diagram, the stages in the life of an evolving star, main sequence stars, stellar fusion, white dwarfs and black holes. Useful diagrams are...
This National Aeronuatics and Space Administration-Goddard website presents the basic concepts of the supernova. Topics include the different types of supernova, the cause of the explosion, and what happens to the core...
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