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(37 classifications) (18 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Acoustics. Sound (37)
Addresses, essays, lectures (5)
Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter (209)
Biography (29)
Collected works (nonserial) (1)
Communication in physics (18)
Data processing (1)
Descriptive and experimental mechanics (143)
Dictionaries and encyclopedias (4)
Directories (3)
Electricity and magnetism (328)
Elementary textbooks (2)
Force and energy (General) (85)
General works, treatises, and advanced textbooks (7)
Geomagnetism (16)
Geophysics. Cosmic physics (46)
Handbooks, tables, formulas, etc. (2)
Heat (50)
History (20)
Laboratories (1)
Mathematical physics (54)
Meteorology. Climatology (345)
Museums. Exhibitions (2)
Nomenclature, terminology, notation, abbreviations (1)
Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity (135)
Optics. Light (170)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (21)
Philosophy. Methodology (2)
Physics as a profession. Vocational guidance (5)
Pictorial works and atlases (2)
Popular works (1)
Radiation physics (General) (35)
Recreations, home experiments, etc. (2)
Special aspects of the subject as a whole (1)
Study and teaching. Research (484)
Weights and measures (69)
Women in physics. Women physicists (14)



This website contains eight one-hour videos designed to help K–6 teachers gain an understanding of some of the basic physical science concepts they need to teach in today’s standards-based curricula. Programs include...
This essay describes the influence that the pendulum had on Galileo's thinking and science. It also discusses the use of a pendulum to measure time. This is a part of The Galileo Project, an extensive web site on the...
This web site is the home of Light and Matter Physics, a series of introductory textbooks available online for no cost. There are six main textbooks covering Newtonian Physics, Conservation Laws, Vibrations and Waves,...
This site includes a number of mathematical lessons that relate directly to physics topics. Each link provides a short example that would provide helpful supplemental materials in mathematics or science education...
MIT Open Courseware provides free and open resources from a broad range of classes. This Physics collection contains material from physics classes ranging from introductory physics to advanced graduate courses. The...
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